Library Regulations Borrowing Borrow 1. | Physical Library Materials |
 | When borrowing materials, Library users must produce his/her HKSI staff/athlete card or Accredited User Card in person. |
 | All loans should be processed at the loan counter at the Library. |
 | Users shall, before leaving the loan counter at the Library, ensure that the Library material he or she borrowed is complete and undamaged. |
Loan Quota and Loan Period
 | Any individual Library user may borrow up to a maximum of 10 loanable items (including e-books). |
 | Loan period: |
Materials | No. of Days |
Books | 28 |
Audio Visual Materials | 14 |
Course Materials | 7 |
Journals | Use in Library Only |
Reference Materials | Use in Library Only |
2. | Electronic Library Materials |
Loan Quota and Loan Period
 | Any individual Library user may borrow up to a maximum of 10 loanable items (including physical books). |
 | The loan period of each loaned item is up to a maximum of five days. |
1. | Physical Library Materials |
 | Loaned material can be renewed at the loan counter or via the e-Library, by clicking "My Library Record" and log into your record. |
 | Overdue loaned material cannot be renewed. |
 | Material reserved by another user cannot be renewed. |
 | Not more than two consecutive renewals may be made for one loaned item. |
2. | Electronic Library Materials |
 | Downloadable e-books are not renewable and must be borrowed again to regain access. |
1. | Physical Library Materials |
 | Users may reserve loaned materials through the e-Library. You will be notified by e-mail when the material is available for pickup. The reserved item will be kept at the loan counter for three days starting from the date of notification. |
2. | Electronic Library Materials |
 | Users may place a hold on the e-book which is in use by another user. You will be notified via e-mail when that e-book is available for you to borrow. |
1. | Physical Library Materials |
 | Users must return all loans on or before the due date to the loan counter at the Library. |
 | A 'pre-overdue' e-mail will be sent to you two days before your loans are due. |
 | Please ensure that all loans are returned in good condition. |
2. | Electronic Library Materials |
 | Normally borrowed e-books will be automatically returned when your selected loan duration is up. |
E-mail Notifications All Library notices about borrowing including items you have requested are ready to be collected, remind you shortly before items are due back and when items are overdue will be delivered via e-mail only.
For the HKSI Staff, Full-time and Part-time Scholarship Athletes: via their e-mail address that uses the HKSI’s domain name ie
For Potential Athletes: via their email address provide by High Performance Administration Department.
Please note: This is a courtesy service; it is still your responsibility to return your items on time. Failure to receive notices sent by the Library does not remove users’ obligation to return material by the due date, nor does it constitute grounds for reducing or waiving fines.
Fines and Fees
Library Materials | Fine per Item | To a Maximum of |
Books, Audio Visual Materials and Course Materials | HK$1 per working day late | HK$40 per item |
 | Payment methods: Cash and cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited” |
 | Loss or damage of the Library materials must be reported to our staff immediately. A replacement fee will be charged for any loss or irresponsible damage caused by users, and overdue fine(s) will also be charged as applicable. |
 | Details are as follows: |
Types of Material | Replacement Cost |
Book | Full item value* plus a handling charge of HK$20 |
Accompany Material of Book | Full item value* plus a handling charge of HK$20 |
Box of AV Material | HK$5 |
Due Date Card | HK$2 |
* Minimum charge would be HK$100 for no value record item |
 | Users assume full responsibility for all the materials checked out under your names. You must not let other people use your staff/athlete cards or Library user card. Your user privileges will be suspended if abused. |
 | Users are responsible to keep your e-mail addresses up to date. To ensure receiving e-mail notices from the Library, please update us on your e-mail address by e-mail as soon as possible. The Library will not be held responsible if a user does not receive a particular notice. |
 | If users expect to be out of Hong Kong for a while, you should return all Library items before leaving. Even when you are out of Hong Kong, you are still responsible for any fines and fees resulting from any late return or returned items. |
 | Users should treat all Library materials with respect and care. Always handle Library materials with clean hands. |
Waiving of the Regulations
The Library Manager has the discretion to waive any of the above regulations if he/she believes it is deemed necessary to meet the particular circumstance of an individual Library user, as long as there is no detrimental effect on other users or on the Library services as a whole.
Physical Library Materials
 | The photocopying and scanning services are provided in accordance with the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance Cap.528. Users should use all the Library materials for research and private study only. Always observe the Copyright Ordinance when you make photocopies or scan copyrighted materials. |
 | Reproduction or duplication of audio-visual materials is strictly prohibited. |
Electronic Library Materials
 | Use of electronic resources including e-books and e-journals is governed by the Library’s licence agreements with suppliers. Details of the license agreements are available under each individual platform or title. Users must comply with the terms of the relevant licence and agreement. |
 | Users must access the electronic resources via the e-Library. |
 | Only the HKSI authorised users are allowed to access the electronic resources. Users should not share your login information with any third parties. |
More information on copyright is available from the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department.